Upcoming events and exhibitions:

Srdečne Vás pozývame na medzinárodný veľtrh AGROSALÓN A LES 2024 na národnom výstavisku Agrokomplex v Nitre, ktorý sa uskutoční v dňoch 04.12. – 07.12.2024. Navštívte nás v stánku v pavilóne M1.

Medzinárodný veľtrh Expocorma je miestom stretnutia malých, stredných a veľkých podnikov.

V dňoch 28.-31.8.2024 sa traktory EQUUS predstavia na medzinárodnej výstave INTERNATIONALE HOLZMESSE v rakúskom Klagenfurte

18. KWF Tagung Najväčšie svetové podujatie v oblasti lesníctva a lesníckych technológií 2024

Srdečné Vás pozývame na 46. ročník Lesníckeho dňa v Ralsku a XXI. Majstrovstiev ČR v práci s motorovou pílou – pohár VLS 2024.

Srdečne Vás pozývame na medzinárodný lesnícky a poľovnícky veľtrh Silva Regina 2024, ktorý sa koná v dňoch 7. - 11.4.2024 na výstavisku v Brne. Nájdete nás na Voľnej ploche Z1, v stánku č. 010.

Pozývame Vás na výstavu Forst Live v nemeckom Offenburgu, ktorá sa uskutoční v termíne 12. – 14. 4.2024. Lesné traktory EQUUS sú každoročne jeho neoddeliteľnou súčasťou. Tešíme sa na Vás!

Prezentácia EQUUS 175 UN na výstave EKO-LAS v Poľskom Mostki /k. Świebodzina woj. LUBUSKIE v termíne 7. až 9.9.2023.

Prezentácia lesných traktorov EQUUS na výstave Forst Messe Luzern (Švajčiarsko) v termíne 24. až 27.8.2023.

Výstava Euroforest vo Saint-Bonnet-de-Joux (Francúzsko) s účasťou traktorov EQUUS v termíne 22.6 - 24.6.2023.
EQUUS – Your Partner for the Forest

Meet EQUUS, the most efficient forestry tractor in its category! Its main attributes are robustness and high working efficiency together with its rate of return. The tractor is easy to operate and complies with the most demanding criteria of today's customers. It is equipped with an up-to-date hydrostat and a perfect cooling system. This heavy duty forestry machine is capable of driving on roads to distances exceeding 100 km in a speed of 40 km per hour. The lowest centre of gravity in its class makes this machine a perfect choice for work in the most demanding terrain.
We are among the first manufacturers who use the state-of-the-art STAGE V class combustion engines (CUMMINS B4.5 and VOLVO Penta). We have increased the transmission efficiency and improved the logic of the entire tractor, resulting in an overall savings of 20–30 % of fuel per 1 cubic meter of timber produced. This means savings in terms of fuel and lower emissions, as well as longer useful life, and better price to work ratio. Last but not least, it means a higher profit per one cubic meter and therefore the highest added value for the user!
Do you need a tractor that can handle, cut and transport wood in bulk, in demanding terrain and in short periods of time? Select the version best fitting your needs from our offer of EQUUS tractors. Create own specification based on your needs and equip your dream machine with the accessories you need! ツ

1. Motor
New CUMMINS engine with the latest STAGE V standard. Increased power by 10%
2. Kabin
Higher cab with overhead view of the hydraulic arm
3. Air conditioning
New air conditioning, new glass with 20% reflection of the sun's rays (smoked)
4. Hydraulics
New hydraulics - arm drop locks, ETL pump control
5. Swivel workstation
Swivel seat with choice
6. Second display
Second display - hydraulics. 8 x hydraulic component functions, 3 x driver functions
7. Rear shield
Rear shield with higher lift (1500 mm above ground level)
8. Winch
Winch up to 15t per drum, 2x160m rope diameter 14, max. 18t total (2xdrum)
9. Axles
NAF 17t axles
10. Centre of gravity
Improved lower centre of gravity
11. Cooler
Enlarged radiator with engine cooling capacity above 50°C outside temperature
EQUUS 2023 production programme

Basic version of EQUUS 175N BH forestry tractor for timber dragging using a reel with towing force up to 16 tonnes.

EQUUS 175N UN is our best-selling model. It belongs among the top European 4-wheel forestry special tractors with hydraulic arm.